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Off Topic / Otras cosas / Does anyone remember a game from 1991 called "4D Sports Boxing"?
: Junio 12, 2018, 08:55:21
HI, I remember playing this game way long ago and really loved it. I foudn a copy ofit online the other day and decided to play it again, so I grabbed it and loaded it up. The thing is last time i played this game at my budies house his boxers' polygoned bodies were really smooth and hardly any aliasing, now on my machine running winXP BTW, it alias's like a bitch and you can barely tell one player from the other, it just looks like they are globs on the screen. I have tooled around with video but it only offers "tandy", "ega", "vga"(which mine is set to right now, only one that looks correct), "hercules", and some other old standard. If it isn't obvious yet, it does run in a full screen DOS emulation mode i presume. Anyone got any suggestions? Any help will be apprecited. I didn't find the right solution from the Internet. References: Estate VideoThank you.
Otros temas / Fútbol Internacional y Selecciones / Puzzling Football Question
: Junio 12, 2018, 08:53:00
HI, Suppose a punt goes out of bounds on the 18-inch line. The receiving team starts on offense with the NOSE of the football on the 18-inch line. Then suppose they get a penalty for anything (5, 10, 15 yards -- it doesn't matter). The ball is moved "half the distance to the goal line". That means the nose of the ball is now on the 9-inch line. Assuming the ball is 12 inches long, then aren't 3 inches of the tail of the ball in the end zone? Is this possible? Do you see what I am driving at here? What happens? Or what if a QB is scrambling in his own end zone and manages to dive forward and reach the ball so that the nose of the ball lands on the 9 inch line. Since the tail of the ball would be spotted in the end zone is that a safety? Any help will be apprecited. I didn't find the right solution from the Internet. References: Analysis ExampleThank you.
Rumores y fichajes / Fichajes oficiales / Bizzare satellite sighting. Any idea what?
: Abril 19, 2018, 12:42:05
Hi, I first spotted it as a bright flash, about 60 degrees above me NE horizon. It was very bright, like a strobe, and a point source, but lasting longer than a strobe flash - it varied, from about a quarter second to a half second. It was so bright I saw it as a streak when my eyes moved - more then twice as bright as a well lit ISS pass, or venus, but not sure on magnitude. It flashed intermittently, between about 2 seconds and 15. Sometimes it was less intense. It didn't seem to be moving at first, but then it very slowly moved eastward, staying in the northern quadrant of they sky. There was no light that I could discern when it wasn't making a flash. For more details Whiteboard Explainer Video
Off Topic / Otras cosas / File converter question
: Abril 09, 2018, 03:23:14
Hi, Does anybody know of a free / Cheap program that will allow me to convert a .gi file to mp3? I need to edit the contents of an audio file that is saved in the .gi format used by a Bravo II Primera cd duplicator in a Windows 7 pc. The content of the file is 100 questions used for a citizenship class. A few questions and answers have changed and we need to edit them for the class. The program has to allow me to convert it back to .gi once the content has been updated. I appreciate your help. I did not find the right solution from the internet. References:- Video AnimationThanks